Wednesday 26 February 2014

Network Topology:-

      In communication networks, a topology is a usually schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines.
         There are two ways of defining network geometry:-
                            The physical topology and
                            The logical (or signal) topology.

  Basic topologies are:-
·           Bus
·          Star
·          Ring or circular
·          Mesh
·          Tree
·          Hybrid
   In local area networks where bus topology is used, each node is connected to a single cable. Each computer or server is connected to the single bus cable. A signal from the source travels in both directions to all machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the intended recipient. 
·      Advantages of Bus Topology:-
·      Works well for small networks
·      Relatively inexpensive to implement
·      Easy to add to it.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology:-   
        Management costs can be high
       Potential for congestion with network traffic.

In local area networks with a star topology, each network host is connected to a central hub with a point-to-point connection. In Star topology every node (computer workstation or any other peripheral) is connected to central node called hub or switch.

        Good option for modern networks
        Low startup costs
        Easy to manage
        Offers opportunities for expansion
        Most popular topology in use; wide variety of equipment available.
        Hub is a single point of failure
                       Requires more cable than the bus.

A network topology that is set up in a circular fashion in which data travels around the ring in one direction and each device on the ring acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as it travels. Each device incorporates a receiver for the incoming signal and a transmitter to send the data on to the next device in the ring. The network is dependent on the ability of the signal to travel around the ring. When a device sends data, it must travel through each device on the ring until it reaches its destination.
Advantages of Ring Topology:-
Easier to manage; easier to locate a defective node or cable problem
Well-suited for transmitting signals over long distances on a LAN
Handles high-volume network traffic
Enables reliable communication.
Disadvantages of Ring Topology:-
Requires more cable and network equipment at the start
Not used as widely as bus topology
Fewer equipment options
Fewer options for expansion to high-speed communication

A fully connected network is a communication network in which each of the nodes is connected to each other. In graph theory it known as a complete graph. A fully connected network doesn't need to use switching nor broadcasting. However, its major disadvantage is that the number of connections grows quadratically with the number of nodes, per the formula
c= \frac{n(n-1)}{2}.\,
and so it is extremely impractical for large networks. A two-node network is technically a fully connected network.


This particular type of network topology is based on a hierarchy of nodes. The highest level of any tree network consists of a single, 'root' node, this node connected either a single (or, more commonly, multiple) node(s) in the level below by (a) point-to-point link(s). These lower level nodes are also connected to a single or multiple nodes in the next level down.


  • It is scalable Secondary nodes allow more devices to be connected to a central node.
  • Point to point connection of devices.
  • Having different levels of the network makes it more manageable hence easier fault identification and isolation.
  • Disadvantages:-
    • Maintenance of the network may be an issue when the network spans a great area.
    • Since it is a variation of bus topology, if the backbone fails, the entire network is crippled.

      definition: Tree topology is a combination of Bus and Star topology.
      An example of this network could be cable TV technology. Other examples are in dynamic tree based wireless networks for military, mining and otherwise mobile applications. The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA, demonstrated such tree based wireless networks for border security. In a pilot system, aerial cameras kept aloft by balloons relayed real time high resolution video to ground personnel via a dynamic self healing tree based network.

Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc.). For example a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network topology. A hybrid topology is always produced when two different basic network topologies are connected. Two common examples for Hybrid network are: star ring network and star bus network

    • A Star ring network consists of two or more star topologies connected using a multistation access unit (MAU) as a centralized hub.
    • A Star Bus network consists of two or more star topologies connected using a bus trunk (the bus trunk serves as the network's backbone).

    Monday 24 February 2014


           IT stands for network address translation.

                The current implementation of IPaddressing provides user with a very limited number of IP addresses that can be used for connectivity purpose. To solve this problem a number of organization have started implementing NAT addressing ,which allows them to use a single public IP address for a large number of internal system having unique private IP addresses.  All internal system in such a Nat network use a common public IP address to communicate with all external system on the Internet. 

                    Let us Assume that there are a internal system ’ x’ (Many system connected with each other) having private IP address is unique. They all are connected with NAT, Which have a public IP address and NAT are Connected through the INTERNET.
          When any of private IP address of computer send data It send to only on NAT. Then NAT change the IP address of that packet then send to the Inertnet.(Change internal IP address to public IP) .The NAT use  Index table for Identifie  internal system because when reply comes from the Internet then it send the packet to internal system. IT works on two network junction.

    Thursday 20 February 2014

    Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

        The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite (IP), and is so common that the entire suite is often called TCP/IP. TCP provides reliable, ordered, error-checked delivery of a stream of octets between programs running on computers connected to a local area network,intranet or the public Internet. It resides at the transport layer.
            Web browsers use TCP when they connect to servers on the World Wide Web, and it is used to deliver email and transfer files from one location to another. HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH, FTP, Telnet and a variety of other protocols are typically encapsulated in TCP.
             Applications that do not require the reliability of a TCP connection may instead use the connectionless User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which emphasizes low-overhead operation and reduced latency rather than error checking and delivery validation.
           Like OSI network model, TCP/IP also has a network model. TCP/IP was on the path of development when the OSI standard was published and there was interaction between the designers of OSI and TCP/IP standards. The TCP/IP model is not same as OSI model. OSI is a seven-layered standard, but TCP/IP is a four layered standard. The OSI model has been very influential in the growth and development of TCP/IP standard, and that is why much OSI terminology is applied to TCP/IP. The following figure compares the TCP/IP and OSI network models.

     * Difference between OSI and TCP/IP reference model


    Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

    The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI (pronounced as an initialism U-E-F-I or like "unify" without the n) is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. UEFI is meant to replace the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) firmware interface, present in all IBM PC-compatible personal computers. In practice, most UEFI images provide legacy support for BIOS services. UEFI can support remote diagnostics and repair of computers, even without another operating system.

               The original EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) specification was developed by Intel. Some of its practices and data formats mirror ones from Windows. In 2005, UEFI deprecated EFI 1.10 (final release of EFI). The UEFI specification is managed by the Unified EFI Forum

    UEFI booting:-

                                 The UEFI specification defines a "boot 
    manager", a firmware policy engine that is in charge of loading the operating system loader and all necessary drivers. The boot configuration is controlled by a set of global NVRAM variables, including boot variables that indicate the paths to the loaders.
    Operating system loaders are a class of the UEFI applications. As such, they are stored as files on a file system that can be accessed by the firmware, called EFI  System partition (ESP). UEFI defines a specific version of FAT, which encompasses FAT32  file systems on ESPs, and FAT16 and FAT12 on removable media.Supported partition table schemes include MBRand GPT, as well as El Torito volumes on optical disks. UEFI does not rely on a boot  sector, although ESP provides space for it as part of the backwards compatibility.


    Saturday 15 February 2014


     1. Go to Start > Run

     2. Type in regedit this will open Registry Editor.

     3. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{645FF040-


     4. Change "Recycle  bin" to whatever you want.

    Hacking Book