Monday 16 December 2013

Abbreviations of Computer's

ACLAccess Control List
ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter
ADFAutomatic Document Feeder
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
AIXAdvanced Interactive Executive
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APIApplication Program Interface
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPActive Server Page or Application Service Provider
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
BASICBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BccBlind Carbon Copy
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
BlobBinary Large Object
BSODBlue Screen of Death
CADComputer-Aided Design
CcCarbon Copy
CCDCharged Coupled Device
CDCompact Disc
CD-RCompact Disc Recordable
CD-ROMCompact Disc Read-Only Memory
CD-RWCompact Disc Re-Writable
CDFSCompact Disc File System
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CISCComplex Instruction Set Computing
CLOBCharacter Large Object
CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMSContent Management System
CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow Black
CPACost Per Action
CPCCost Per Click
CPLCost Per Lead
CPMCost Per 1,000 Impressions
CPSClassroom Performance System
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CTPComposite Theoretical Performance
CTRClick-Through Rate
DACDigital-to-Analog Converter
DAWDigital Audio Workstation
DBMSDatabase Management System
DCIMDigital Camera IMages
DDLData Definition Language
DDRDouble Data Rate
DDR2Double Data Rate 2
DDR3Double Data Rate Type 3
DFSDistributed File System
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module
DLCDownloadable Content
DLLDynamic Link Library
DMADirect Memory Access
DNSDomain Name System
DOSDisk Operating System
DPIDots Per Inch
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
DRMDigital Rights Management
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSLAMDigital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DTDDocument Type Definition
DVDigital Video
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
DVD+RDigital Versatile Disc Recordable
DVD+RWDigital Versatile Disk Rewritable
DVD-RDigital Versatile Disc Recordable
DVD-RWDigital Versatile Disk Rewritable
DVIDigital Video Interface
DVRDigital Video Recorder
ECCError Correction Code
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EIDEEnhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
EPSEncapsulated PostScript
EUPEnterprise Unified Process
EXIFExchangeable Image File Format
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
FIFOFirst In, First Out
FiOSFiber Optic Service
FLOPSFloating Point Operations Per Second
FPUFloating Point Unit
FSBFrontside Bus
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GbpsGigabits Per Second
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GIGOGarbage In, Garbage Out
GISGeographic Information Systems
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
GUIGraphical User Interface
GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier
HDDHard Disk Drive
HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDTVHigh Definition Televsion
HDVHigh-Definition Video
HFSHierarchical File System
HSFHeat Sink and Fan
HTMLHyper-Text Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHyperText Transport Protocol Secure
ICANNInternet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers
ICFInternet Connection Firewall
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
ICSInternet Connection Sharing
ICTInformation and Communication Technologies
IDEIntegrated Device Electronics or Integrated Development Environment
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IGPIntegrated Graphics Processor
IMInstant Message
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
InterNICInternet Network Information Center
IPInternet Protocol
IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange
IRCInternet Relay Chat
IRQInterrupt Request
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture
iSCSIInternet Small Computer Systems Interface
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITInformation Technology
IVRInteractive Voice Response
JFSJournaled File System
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JREJava Runtime Environment
JSFJavaServer Faces
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
JSPJava Server Page
KbpsKilobits Per Second
KDEK Desktop Environment
LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
LANLocal Area Network
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LEDLight-Emitting Diode
LIFOLast In, First Out
LPILines Per Inch
LTELong Term Evolution
LUNLogical Unit Number
MAMPMac OS X, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
MANETMobile Ad Hoc Network
MbpsMegabits Per Second
MBRMaster Boot Record
MCAMicro Channel Architecture
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
NATNetwork Address Translation
NetBIOSNetwork Basic Input/Output System
NICNetwork Interface Card
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
NOCNetwork Operations Center
NTFSNew Technology File System
NUINatural User Interface
NVRAMNon-Volatile Random Access Memory
OASISOrganization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OCROptical Character Recognition
ODBCOpen Database Connectivity
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OLAPOnline Analytical Processing
OLEObject Linking and Embedding
OOPObject-Oriented Programming
OSDOn Screen Display
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First
P2PPeer To Peer
PCPersonal Computer
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
PCI-XPeripheral Component Interconnect Extended
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDFPortable Document Format
PHPHypertext Preprocessor
PIMPersonal Information Manager
PMUPower Management Unit
PNGPortable Network Graphic
POP3Post Office Protocol
POSTPower On Self Test
PPCPay Per Click
PPGAPlastic Pin Grid Array
PPIPixels Per Inch
PPLPay Per Lead
PPMPages Per Minute
PPPPoint to Point Protocol
PPPoEPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PRAMParameter Random Access Memory
PROMProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PS/2Personal System/2
PUMPotentially Unwanted Modification
PUPPotentially Unwanted Program
QBEQuery By Example
RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Disks
RAMRandom Access Memory
RDFResource Description Framework
RDRAMRambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RFIDRadio-Frequency Identification
RGBRed Green Blue
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computing
ROMRead-Only Memory
RPCRemote Procedure Call
RPMRevenue Per 1,000 Impressions
RSSRDF Site Summary
RTERuntime Environment
RTFRich Text Format
RUPRational Unified Process
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SANStorage Area Network
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment
SCSISmall Computer System Interface
SDSecure Digital
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDSLSymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
SEOSearch Engine Optimization
SERPSearch Engine Results Page
SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Module
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SKUStock Keeping Unit
SLASoftware License or Service Level Agreement
SLIScalable Link Interface
SMARTSelf-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology
SMBServer Message Block
SMMSocial Media Marketing
SMSShort Message Service
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SO-DIMMSmall Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module
SOAService Oriented Architecture
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SQLStructured Query Language
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
sRGBStandard Red Green Blue
SSDSolid State Drive
SSHSecure Shell
SSIDService Set Identifier
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TFTThin-Film Transistor
TIFFTagged Image File Format
TTLTime To Live
TWAINToolkit Without An Informative Name
UATUser Acceptance Testing
UDDIUniversal Description Discovery and Integration
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UGCUser Generated Content
UMLUnified Modeling Language
UNCUniversal Naming Convention
UPnPUniversal Plug and Play
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
VCIVirtual Channel Identifier
VDSLVery High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line
VDUVisual Display Unit
VFATVirtual File Allocation Table
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VLEVirtual Learning Environment
VoIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VPIVirtual Path Identifier
VPNVirtual Private Network
VRAMVideo Random Access Memory
VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium
WAISWide Area Information Server
WAMPWindows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
WANWide Area Network
WDDMWindows Display Driver Model
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-FiWireless Fidelity
WINSWindows Internet Name Service
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
WWWWorld Wide Web
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XSLTExtensible Style Sheet Language Transformation
Y2KYear 2000
ZIF                         Zero Insertion Force

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