Thursday 19 December 2013

Port number / Port address

                               Port number / Port address
Every system connect to the internet has a number of ports open on it. Ports are basically virtual doors that allow the inflow and out flow of data packets. Without the opening of ports, no data communication can take place on a particular system . Typically, each time a client established a new connection over the network, a randomly chosen port number gets opened.
Similarly, each time a service is enabled on a server, it automatically opens a predefine port number and listens for any clients who might want to established connection.
Port number are of three types
v Well-known port number
           Range of this port number is 0 to 1023.
It use service likely FTP(21 port number),SMTP,POP etc.
v Registered Port number
           Range of this port number is 1024 to 49151.
It use service likely for check mail.
v Dynamic/private port number
          Range of this port number is 49152 to 65535.
It use service for malicious programs likely Trojans, keyloggers, or spayware tools.


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